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Artificial intelligence, as you know, is progressing at a faster pace. With the growth, of this technology, ethical concerns continue to grow as well. These concerns include long-term implications, accountability, ownership and use. With its immense potential, steps are being taken to gain knowledge on and mitigate these challenges. In turn, it will be possible to harness the immense potential of artificial intelligence.

Do you intend to use Artificial Intelligence? If so, you should be aware of the ethical considerations related to AI. This post will help you gain this knowledge:

1. Accountability and Transparency

AI systems function in a black box. It means that they offer restricted interpretability in their ways of working. Also, it is hard to understand how they arrive at some decisions. In some crucial sectors like autonomous vehicles and healthcare, transparency is important. Only then, you can understand how decisions are arrived at. Also, this knowledge will help you spot, who is responsible for what.

AI systems can make errors. In these instances, clarifying accountability is highly important. In turn, you can ensure that the right actions are to be taken. To handle the black box challenges, studies are on to develop AI systems that explain what they do. In turn, it will be possible to understand the accuracy, fairness, and probable bias of the system.

2. Security and Safety

Yet another ethical consideration when you use AI is to ensure the safety of users. It means that you should take steps to prevent harm or accidents caused by AI systems. It also denotes safety and respect for the atmosphere. When using AI you should remember one thing. You should not use resources to the extent that they turn out to have a considerable net negative impact on the atmosphere.

3. Ownership and Creativity

Let us consider that an artist completes his painting work. Now, he owns it. On the other hand, when the artist generates a piece of art with Artificial Intelligence, the ownership cannot be assured. When any content is created by AI, it becomes important for lawmakers to clarify ownership rights. They should also offer guidelines to navigate probable infringements.

4. Human Oversight

The need for human supervision is yet another ethical consideration for AI. It means that you should have humans in the loop. These individuals can make sure that the AI systems behave as they are expected to. They should also ensure that AI systems arrive at decisions that stay in line with the values of humans. In this process, you should ensure that any company policies, regulations and laws are rightly followed.

5. Displacement of Jobs

One thing that is affected by the growth of AI is jobs for humans. It is presumed that AI will create widespread unemployment. In turn, it can create economic inequalities. However, some argue that it will not replace humans using their knowledge. Rather, it might replace employees, who engage in manual work. Some also argue that AI can create more jobs in reality. So, before you use AI, you should decide how your employees will be used in the future.