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You might have extensive experience in online marketing. But, are you new to the concept of data-driven online marketing? If so, you can learn more about it here:

Data-Driven Online Marketing – An Intro

Data-driven marketing is an online marketing strategy. It involves improving brand communication based on information about customers.

Let us consider that you hire data-driven marketers for your organization. They will predict the needs of your customers based on customer data. Also, they will understand what customers require and even their future behaviours.

They do this based on the data they have. In turn, they can develop personalised online marketing strategies. As a result, the marketers can help your organization achieve a higher return on investment.

How is Data-Drive Online Marketing Different from Traditional Marketing?

You can understand that data-driven online marketing is beneficial compared to traditional marketing. The table below will help you get to this conclusion:

S. No Point of Comparison Data-Driven Online Marketing Traditional Marketing
1. Dependency Depends on updated customer data from different online sources. Depends on marketing practices offline like ads on television, radio stations and flyers
2. Cost to Collect Data Mostly data is collected from different sources online without any cost involved For traditional marketing techniques like radio and television ads, you will have to spend a lot
3, Target You can target niche audiences in different areas for a particular service or product during your marketing campaign Traditional marketing often targets a huge population. Some people coming across the marketing content might not be looking for the product/service marketed.
4. Modification Possibility You have the option to update or even stop your marketing campaigns based on the performance data in the recent past. It is not possible to update traditional marketing systems overnight
5. Scope to Experiment Your online marketing team can experiment a lot. They can change many things in the marketing content. Examples include text copy, theme, colour and image of marketing content. This can be done in real-time based on the analytical data they get from marketing agencies or ad-tracking tools The scope to experiment with the marketing approach and content is too costly or narrow

So, you will now agree that data-driven online marketing is more beneficial in many ways.

Now, you will be interested in knowing the steps involved in setting up a data-driven online marketing campaign. Here are the steps involved:

Steps for Data-Drive Online Marketing Strategy

  1. The first step begins with the creation of buyer personas
  2. Once the first step is completed, you will have to apply the digital status funnel
  3. Thirdly, you will have to map out your online marketing Some of the common strategies used include:
    1. Website design
    2. Social media marketing
    3. Email marketing
    4. Display advertising
    5. Pay Per Click
    6. Content marketing and SEO
  4. Plan and implement your digital marketing strategy
  5. Evaluate and make changes to your plan to achieve the utmost return on investment


You might wonder how to do the steps mentioned above for the best online marketing outcomes. Thankfully, you can find experts in online marketing to take care of these steps effectively for you. You can rely on them for effective outcomes by outsourcing your online marketing to them.