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The internet landscape is rapidly evolving these days. We are now seeing the emergence of Web 3. This is a user-centric and decentralized web ecosystem. The key objective of this third-generation web technology is to employ individuals and improve traditional web-based communications. You might have heard of smart contracts in blockchain technology. But, do you know that it has a role to play in Web 3? Yes, smart contract in Web 3 plays a key role in ensuring automation, security and trust.

Smart Contracts – A Basic Outline:

A smart contract is an agreement that executes itself. In a smart contract, the conditions of a contract are written straight into the code. Smart contracts are gathered on a blockchain. Blockchain, as you know, is an immutable and decentralized ledger that makes sure of transparency and gets rid of intermediaries. As against traditional contracts, smart contracts are instantly enforced when the terms agreed upon are met. Do, they are naturally efficient and secure.

Advantage of Smart Contracts in Web 3 Ecosystem:

  • The ability to entrust security and trust is one of the key benefits of smart contracts in the Web 3
  • By getting rid of the requirement of middlemen, smart contracts make sure that agreements and transactions are executed as intended without any deviation.
  • Smart contracts reduce the possibility of manipulation or tampering considerably
  • By doing these things, smart contracts create a high level of trust among participants. The reason is that participants can be confident that the conditions of the contract will be executed rightly.
  • Smart contracts enable peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a centralized authority
  • The decentralized nature of smart contracts almost nullifies a single point of failure that can otherwise disrupt the network.
  • Smart contracts, as a result, make the Web 3 ecosystem more resistant to censorship, secure and resilient. So, users get better control over their assets and data.

Automates Processes:

Apart from the benefits listed above, smart contracts in Web 3 play the key role of automating processes. As mentioned earlier, traditional contracts often need third-party verification and manual intervention. So, there are chances of inefficiencies and delays. On the other hand, smart contracts automatically execute actions once the conditions defined earlier are met. In turn, human error is reduced. Also, it helps with achieving real-time settlements and streamlining processes. As a result, there will be a considerable reduction in cost and an improvement in efficiency.

More than Financial Transactions:

The effect of smart contracts in Web 3 can extend to more than financial transactions. For instance, they can help with governing decentralized autonomous organisations or DAOs. These organizations function on the basis of pre-defined rules and decisions that are made jointly by their members.

In short, smart contracts play a crucial role in the Web 3 ecosystem. When this third-generation web technology continues to improve, smart contracts will function as a building block for decentralized applications. So, they will revolutionize different industries and will reshape the way we communicate with digital systems.