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You might have heard about the widespread use of virtual assistants these days. Even, you might have used one like Alexa, Siri or self-driving cars. Have you ever thought about the incredible technology that drives these VAs? Yes, it is nothing other than artificial intelligence. We are here to demystify the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). You can get to know the basics of AI here:

What is Artificial Intelligence? How Does It Work?

Artificial intelligence denotes the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that otherwise need human intervention and intelligence. With artificial intelligence, machines not only reason and learn but also make decisions similar to humans. They do this based on patterns and data. Artificial systems use models and algorithms to process information. Also, they spot patterns and accordingly make predictions or take action.

Know about Machine Learning:

You might have heard that whenever the term artificial intelligence is used, Machine Learning is a term that accompanies it. The reason is that Machine Learning shortly called ML is the backbone of AI. Machine learning algorithms help machines learn from data. Also, they help improve the performance of machines over time without requiring explicit programming. You can think of it as training a machine for recognizing patterns by providing it with many examples. When a machine learns, it turns out to be more accurate in performing tasks and even in making predictions.

Know about the Kinds of Machine Learning:

Machine Learning is of different types. You can know about them here:

Supervised Learning:

In this learning approach, the machine is trained with the help of labelled data. From this sort of teaching, it learns to make predictions on the basis of examples with known results. For instance, training a machine to spot dogs and cats is what supervised learning is all about.

Unsupervised Learning:

In this type of training, the machine learns from unlabeled data and spots structures or patterns without particular instructions. It spots hidden relationships in the data like clustering identical data points or spotting patterns in customer behaviour.

Reinforced Learning:

In this type, the training involves a machine through a system of punishments or rewards. The machine understands by trial and error. In this process, it gets feedback based on what it does. Accordingly, the behaviour of the machine is adjusted to make sure of the utmost rewards.

Application of Artificial Intelligence:

With machine learning, artificial intelligence is getting better and better these days. It is being used in different fields:

  • Healthcare for diagnosing and evaluating medical images and assisting with personalized treatments
  • Customer Service in the form of chatbots and virtual assistants to provide instant support to customers
  • Transportation for intelligent traffic management and production of self-driving cars
  • Finance for fraud detection, risk assessment and algorithmic trading

Ethical Considerations:

Indeed, AI is not going to fade away. Rather, artificial intelligence is going to get into many fields soon. When this happens, ethical considerations become important. Issues like job displacement, data privacy and algorithms should be addressed properly to get the most out of artificial intelligence.