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In the world of mobile app development, one decision should be made by developers. Above all, this decision can have a considerable impact on the success of their application. It is to choose either Android or iOS platform. These two platforms are the giants that dominate the app development market. Each carries a unique set of considerations and advantages. You can compare these two platforms here to decide:

iOS and Android Compared

Updates and Releases

You might be interested in releasing regular updates to your users. The process of updating and releasing the new versions of your app differs between these two platforms.

When you take the case of iOS users, they adopt the latest iOS quickly. So, you can easily target a broad audience with fresh features. On the other hand, Android updates may take longer to reach all devices. The reason is that a huge number of carriers and mobile manufacturers use Android OS on their phones.

Device Compatibility and Division

Android platform is open. This nature of Android divides among different devices using different versions of the OS easily. But the problem here is that this diversity can make you face a challenge. It is that you might find it hard to ensure that your app functions uniformly on all devices. On the other hand, iOS is a closed ecosystem. The number of devices or models is also less here. So, you can expect consistency in the experience of your app users.

Tools and Development Language

The tools and programming languages used for mobile app development differ in iOS and Android. For instance, apps developed for the iOS platform are developed in Objective-C or Swift. But, when you take the case of Android, app developers use either Kotlin or Java.

So, when you choose one of these, you should choose one based on your expertise in one of these programming languages. You also have the option to use cross-platform development frameworks. They will help you streamline the process by permitting you to write code once. Thereafter, you can deploy it on both platforms.

Process for Approving Your App

In choosing your platform, you can consider the app approval process. Remember that the iOS platform has a curated and rigorous review process. The platform expects your app to have a better-quality standard for publishing. With its controlled ecosystem, this platform can take a longer time to approve your app.

On the flip side, the approval process in Android is typically less stringent and quicker. You can ensure that your app can be made available on this platform quickly.

App Monetization

How your app makes money differs on both these platforms. The app store generally carries a higher proportion of users, who are ready to pay for apps. They do this during in-app purchases. In case, your revenue model depends on in-app purchases or upfront payments, iOS might be lucrative. Android has a larger user base. This platform generally relies on freemium apps and ad-supported models. So, finding users might be tough on this platform.

So, evaluate the pros and cons of each platform. Finally, choose a platform that fits your budget and other aspects.